
Nayabimarsha (Weekly Newspaper from Nepal)

Which of us has never had that senior moment, when you walk into a room then stop and think, now, why am I here? Forgetfulness is something that affects all of us to differing degrees. Although it is often seen as a problem with the elderly and a sign that old age is setting in. The story is often told of a young girl who was always late for school, her teacher became so upset by it that one day she asked the young girl, “do you have an alarm clock?” “Yes” replied the girl, “but I always forget to set it”.

So, the teacher thought and thought about how she could help this girl remember to set her alarm clock. “Ah, I know what I’ll do, I’ll tie a little string around your finger,” the teacher said, “and when you see it you will remember to set the alarm.” The teacher was so pleased with her plan and came to school the next day excited to see how it had worked.

However, the next morning the girl again arrived late for school! The teacher asked “what happened? Did you not see the string?” The girl said, “I saw the string but I couldn’t remember what it was for.” The teacher thought for a while, “I know” she said, “I will pin a note to your top and when you take it off to go to bed you will see it and know why you have a string tied to your finger.”

Nevertheless, the next day she was late again. The teacher again asked “what happened? Did you not see the note?” The little girl explained that she had fallen asleep listening to music and had slept the whole night in her top. “Tell me,” asked the teacher.

“What do you do every night?”. The little girl thought for a short while and said “I brush my teeth every night.” “Wonderful” said the teacher, “I’ll put a mark on your forehead. When you look in the mirror to brush your teeth, you will see the mark and it will remind you to read the note on your top, which will tell you why the string is tied to your finger, and you will remember to set the alarm clock.” That night as the little girl saw the mark on her forehead, she was reminded to read the note, and set her alarm clock.

The next morning, she was so excited as she came running into school. She looked at her phone, it was only 8.50 am she was going to be early. However, as she looked around the playground, she couldn’t see any other children nor the teachers. What was wrong she thought, and then she remembered that it was Saturday and there was no school!!

There is a beautiful thought in Isaiah 49 v 15, 16 which reminds us that God never forgets anything and especially not his children, it says “I will not forget thee.” He continues to say that he has “graven thee upon the palms of my hands;” that means he has the names of his children imprinted on his hands, they are ever before him, and he will never forget them. The scriptures are teaching us that God always remembers, he will not forget any of those who love and obey his word. People are notorious for forgetting things, but the living God says he will never forget.


P. Pilgrim

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