Drop Everything and Read

Nayabimarsha (Weekly Newspaper from Nepal)

P. Pilgrim

Many years ago the staff at a secondary school in Wales were trying to encourage their students to read more. The believed the students spent too much time on the internet and playing video games. As a result of the student’s behaviour their study was being seriously neglected and exam results were on the decline. So, the teachers decided to commence a new reading plan for every child in the school, which they called D.E.A.R. The acrostic stood for: Drop Everything and Read. Throughout the day the pupils were encouraged to stop what they were doing and read for 15 – 20 minutes. It was a very good habit to learn and it brought about a very significant change in the study habits of the children.
Reading is one of the most important skills that a person can have; it is one of those abilities that separates mankind from the animal kingdom. Learning to read is about listening and understanding as well as working out what’s printed on the page, and is for young and old. Reading opens up a world of possibilities and allows people to learn about new things. It exposes them to a wide range of ideas, new ways of thinking, philosophical dilemmas, and other concepts. The more people read, the better they understand the world they live in, with all of its flaws and advantages, and more importantly, the more avid they become to learn more. Reading is important because it provides them with knowledge. They are exposed to new ideas and different ways of thinking. This helps them to critically evaluate information and make better decisions. It can even promote a thirst for knowledge. Reading is mentally challenging and forces our brains to make connections, imagine different scenarios, and think critically. That is a great way to give our brains a nice little workout to keep them in great shape and functioning well. Nevertheless, reading can be entertaining especially if they read fiction and it can also be relaxing. While they are having fun reading about the adventures of their favourite fictional characters, the brain is having a great workout, it learns new things without even realizing it, and the mind and body become more relaxed. As a matter of fact, reading is one of the most efficient stress-relief activities out there. As little as 20 minutes of reading per day can reduce the level of stress by more than 60% and comes with a plethora of other physical and mental health advantages. Reading is also able to put people in touch with their core emotions. Whilst reading the words, they can cause them to shed a tear or keep them on the edge of their seats for hours. It helps them to experience a whole spectrum of emotions and at the same time it can easily be disconnected from the experience by simply closing the book. This experience can prepare them, to a certain extent for all of life’s unexpected things. By increasing the global literacy levels and ensuring that more people in the world have access to books and are encouraged to read, it can change how the next generations will live.
The apostle Paul gives some very good advise to Timothy a young pastor, he says in 1 Timothy chapter 4 verse 13 “Till I come, give attendance to reading…” Keep reading your Bible, make a habit of taking time to considered the words of God. Drop everything and read so that you can help, support and encourage those in his congregation. Just like the Christians in Berea, who “searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” These people took time to examine the holy scriptures and mediate upon its truths. They grew in knowledge and received the accolade that they were more noble than other Christians because they had the habit of reading the Bible.


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