
Nayabimarsha (Weekly Newspaper from Nepal)
P. Pilgrim

Have you ever stopped to consider that your life is governed by time? Each day is divided into hours, minutes and seconds, which dictates when we rise, when we eat, and again when we go to bed. Time controls are days, are weeks and years, the working week, the holiday time. The time of seasons influence what we do and when we do it, where we go and when we go. What fun would it be to sunbath with the rain pouring down? Or to go skiing with the sun so warm it is melting the snow under foot? The seasons influence when we would do these activities. In the western world people constantly use the idiom ‘time flies’, when the week is over and it is Saturday again, people wonder where the week has gone. This is truer as you get older, as it takes you longer to do simple activities and so the time appears to have past more quickly. However, time does not change it is all around us, we can’t escape from it, we cannot repeat it. Time cannot be redone or improved, it is time. Men and women accept it and learn to live with it. Before the invention of the clock time was told via the rising and setting sun, and the moon waxing and waning give the months. The changing seasons illustrated the distinct times of the year from summer to winter. In bygone days the town clocks rang out the time for each hour and some had a quarter, half past and three-quarter chimes. It is believed that early versions of clocks erred by less than one minute per day, and later ones only by 10 seconds, very accurate for their time. Dials that showed minutes and seconds became common after the increase in accuracy made possible by the pendulum clock. However, all the worlds different analog clocks never quite synced up, the exact time was not known. So for centuries no clocks were ever exactly the same.

Today, time is told on the phone more than on the clock. Most android devices set the time based on the data they receive from GPS signals. The clocks on the GPS satellites are incredibly accurate atomic clocks which are accurate to 100th of a second. So very rarely do we have to readjust the phone clock. Although there are watches on the market that occasionally synchronize with the world’s atomic clocks by shortwave or GPS signal, but they’re relatively rare. So, in general the phone tells the time more accurately than the watch across the world. The wisest man in the world King Solomon wrote “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; …’ Nevertheless, it warns us in the first book of the Bible, Genesis chapter 8 verse 22 “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” While the earth remains time will be with us, but one day the earth will cease and time will be no more. The living God will bring the world to a close and time as we know it will stop. That is why the apostle Paul in his writings says “behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” (2 Corinthians 6 verse 2). Now is the time to make peace with God, now is the time to accept his loving son and repent from our sins and trust in him. A song says ‘While God’s Spirit bids you come, sinner, do not longer roam, Lest you seal your hopeless doom, Be in time!’



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