A Firm Foundation

Nayabimarsha (Weekly Newspaper from Nepal)

Over these past days we have seen the devastation that can occur with torrential rain. Homes have been washed away, landslides have closed roads, sick holes have opened up and swallowed up the roads. The destruction has ravaged the homes and the loss of life has been server. However, these types of natural disasters happen again and again. Every year there is flooding, landslides and loss of life. The same areas get flooded, the same roads get blocked and the government doesn’t seem to learn from its mistakes and prepare better for the next time. After Hurricane Andrew had swept through southern Florida, amid the devastation and debris stood one house alone on its foundation. The owner was out front cleaning up the yard when a reporter from a TV news program approached him. ‘Sir, why is your house the only one still standing?’ asked the reporter. ‘How did your house manage to escape the severe damage of the hurricane?’ I built this house myself,’ the man replied. ‘I also built it according to the Florida state building code. When the code called for two-by-six roof trusses, I used two-by-six roof trusses. I was told that a house built according to code could withstand a hurricane. I did, and the house withstood the hurricane. I suppose no one else around here followed the code.’ This lack of preparation for natural disaster is worldwide. However, if we build on a strong foundation then there is less chance of the building collapsing. This lack of preparation is common in many aspects of life. Many times, we don’t make the necessary preparation for invited guest. Then it’s a big scramble at the last minute to fix something up. Young people know that the school exams are coming up, but they don’t put in the preparation and study needed to pass the exams. What can they do? It’s too late, they have failed the test. Many people desire to leave a large inheritance for their family when they die. They work hard and save but their life is shallow and filled with anxiety. But what of their soul? We all know we will die on day what preparation have we made for our souls. Have we made preparation for their soul’s destiny after death? Seldom people think of eternity and so make little or no preparation. The prophet Isaiah says in Isaiah chapter 28 verse 16 ‘Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation:’ Then in Ephesus chapter 2 verse 20 scripture explains that ‘Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;’. To be sure of heaven you need to build your life on a solid foundation who is Jesus Christ. He is the one who suffered and died for you on the cross. He took the punishment for your sin on himself so that you could be sure of a firm foundation. You could be sure of your souls final destiny. Trusting in man is like trusting in a foundation of dust that has no strength or power to withstand the feeblest blast. The holy scriptures teach that if we repent of our sins and trust in Christ, the solid foundation, then we are sure of a heavenly home in Heaven. A place of peace and rest at the end of life.

P. Pilgrim pilgrimway101@yahoo.com

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