Fast – Food

Nayabimarsha (Weekly Newspaper from Nepal)
P. Pilgrim

Today’s society has got very used to living the fast life. No one has time to prepare full meals. Everyone is rushing about, with work, the children and hobbies. These activities come before the need to prepare tasty and healthy dishes. I was surprised to read an article recently which claimed that the first fast food chain was started back in the early 1900’s. The company was called White Castle from Wichita, Kansas, it started in 1916 with food stands and founding in 1921, selling hamburgers for five cents apiece from its inception and spawning numerous competitors and emulators. Today the biggest name in fast food is McDonald’s. It is an American multinational fast-food chain, founded in 1940 as a restaurant operated by Richard and Maurice McDonald. They rechristened their business as a hamburger stand and later turned the company into a franchise, with the Golden Arches logo being introduced in 1953. To date McDonald’s is the world’s largest fast-food restaurant chain, serving over 69 million customers daily in over 100 countries in more than 40,000 outlets as of 2021. McDonald’s is best known for its hamburgers, cheeseburgers and french fries, although their menu also includes other items like chicken, fish, fruit, and salads. Interestingly, their bestselling licensed item is their french fries, followed by the Big Mac. Another famous fast-food outlet is KFC, also commonly referred to by its historical name Kentucky Fried Chicken, it was founded by Colonel Harland Sanders, an entrepreneur who began selling fried chicken from his roadside restaurant in Corbin, Kentucky, during the Great Depression. Their secret recipe of 11 spices and herbs used for the chicken has been the reason for their success. Sanders, also identified the potential of restaurant franchising, and the first “Kentucky Fried Chicken” franchise opened in Salt Lake City, Utah, in 1952. KFC popularized chicken in the fast-food industry, diversifying the market by challenging the established dominance of the hamburger. In November 1987, KFC became the first Western restaurant chain in China, with an outlet in Beijing. Today they have over 4,500 outlets. More than 12 million people eat at KFC restaurants worldwide every day, spread globally in almost 146 countries, with more than 26,000 KFC locations. With a brand value in 2020 of USD 12.87 billion, it is reported that KFC is the most famous restaurant globally, though McDonald’s remains the leader, with an estimated brand value of around 196 billion USD in 2022.

Whether it is fast food or not, food is a necessity for life and growth. In Psalm 78 verse 19 Asaph the song writer reported the question that Israel asked ‘Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?’ A wilderness is a barren, isolated and an unfruitful place. It is not a place of plenty. Yet he answers the question reminding the people that God feed them for 40 years in the desert with the miracle of bread and meat each day. As I considered this, I was also reminded of the Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament, who on at least two occasions, feed the people in the wilderness himself with bread and fish. This is recorded in the miracles of the feeding of the 5000, and the feeding of the 4000 in Mark 6 and Matthew 15. God shows that no matter the place his goodness reaches the people. The Psalm of David in psalm 23:5 says ‘Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies:’ Again God is providing for his people in difficult circumstances. God has provided for his people an abundant table with the blessings of the forgiveness of sins, redemption through his blood, peace with God, a table of mercy for all who come to partake of the offered fare. He has prepared joy and happiness, comfort, access to God the father in prayer, contentment in times of trails and the assurance of Heaven at the end. But best of all Christ extends his offer to all and says come for all things are now ready. You can come and eat of his table and enjoy all that he offers today.

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