
Nayabimarsha (Weekly Newspaper from Nepal)
P. Pilgrim

How important is someone’s character today? Do words like noble, honourable, moral, strong, and integrity still override all other baser adjectives? Or has society changed over the past decades so that there is no need for a good character? I believe that character defines who a person is. The word character comes from the Greek language, meaning “to make a mark.” Your character is your mark on the world. I wonder what type of mark are you leaving in your family, your work or among your friends? Someone once said that people of genius are admired, people of wealth are envied, people of power are feared, but only people of “character” are trusted. Without character…you cannot be trusted, and if you cannot be trusted…you cannot lead. Your mark on the world will be limited. This week in the UK news a world-renowned news reader pleaded guilty to having the vilest of child pornography and was given a suspended sentences and ordered to pay the court costs. His fall from grace has been swift and his reputation is now in tatters. His career is finished and his character is destroyed, all by his own foolish and careless actions. Who would trust him now? Over the years many men and women in the public eye have had to resign and leave office in disgrace because of a character flaw. They have ruined their lives and their character. An interesting quote on character is by Frank Outlaw, who once said,

Watch your thoughts: They become your words.

Watch your words: They become your actions.

Watch your actions: They become your habits.

Watch your habits: They become your character.

Watch your character: It becomes your destiny.

The wisest man in the world, King Solomon put it like this, ‘A good name (character) is rather to be chosen than great riches,’ in the book of Proverbs chapter 22 verse 1, in the Bible. The truth behind these words is very true. A good character should be sought after and guarded as it is more essential than all the riches in the world. For once a good character, or a good name, is lost, it is lost forever.

The first step in developing a good character is being able to acknowledge your shortcomings. Once you are aware of them, you can begin the process of changing them. As I said character defines who you are. So, when we judge someone else, we often judge them based on character. For example, when someone always seems to do the right thing, we classify him/her as a person of high ethical standards. Likewise, when someone is constantly negative, we consider him/her to have a pessimistic view. These judgments occur in an instant, and whether they are right or wrong, they influence how we feel about a person. If we are so quick to judge others based on character, why then do so many of us fail to judge ourselves based on character? Many of us judge ourselves based on our accomplishments, the riches we have gained, but, yet fail to question our own integrity and honesty in achieving these accomplishments. Instead of being so quick to judge others, you need to take a look in the mirror and judge yourself. Perhaps you will see something you were not expecting. You may realize it’s time to make a few changes. Our character is something we need to value like King Solomon said it is of greater value than many riches. It is the mark we leave in society and amongst our friends and families.



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