The Snow Castle

Nayabimarsha (Weekly Newspaper from Nepal)
P. Pilgrim

Kemi is a town in Finland, it is located very near the city of Tornio and the Swedish border. It is situated north of the capital Helsinki over 700 km. It was founded in 1869 by a decree of the Emperor Alexander II of Russia because of its proximity to a deep water port. With a population of around 19,000, seasonally cold weather with temperatures hovering above and below 0° for over 6 months of the year. there are 200 + countries in the world yet only 50 of them have snow. Finland is renowned for its snow flurries. During the winter months the town of Kemi builds its own tourist attraction out of snow. The Snow Castle of Kemi is the biggest snow fort in the world. It is rebuilt every winter with a different architecture, the first snow castle drew 300,000 visitors in 1996. The Kemi Snow Castle resort rises from the frosted seaside like a mirage made of diamonds. Situated only one kilometer from downtown Kemi, this white wonder offers tours through its icicle-gilded halls, whether it’s midwinter or midsummer. The area covered by the castle has varied from 13,000 to over 20,000 square meters. The highest towers have been over 20 meters high and longest walls over 1,000 meters long, and the castle has had up to three stories. Despite its varying configurations, the snow castle has a few recurring elements: a chapel, a restaurant and a hotel. The Snow Restaurant has ice tables and seats covered with reindeer fur, as well as ice sculptures. The ecumenical Snow Chapel with 50–100 seats has seen numerous weddings of couples from as far away as Japan and Hong Kong. The Snow Hotel offers a choice of double rooms and a honeymoon suite, all of which are decorated by local artists using local materials. Whoever came up with the idea of sleeping in a room at sub zero temperatures was probably a madman or a genius. However, it has proved a success as people flock from across the world to experience the ice world. This is why it was started back in 1996 by UNICEF so that children from developing countries could fulfil their dreams of living and experiencing a snow world for the first time in their lives. The Snow Castle hosts such things as an adventure land for children, a theatre and ice art exhibitions with lights and sound effects. The theatre has a capacity of 3,000, and many opera singers and dancers have performed there. The upkeep of the castle in the winter months is estimated to be $1.1 million, yet the castle will melt away sometime in mid – April.
The melting ice castle is a reminder that all the material things in this world will one day pass away. The pleasures of the world come and go, the beauty of the world also fades with time, not to mention the hopes and dreams of the people, which change with the advancing years. This reminds me of the warning from Jesus Christ in the book of Matthew B v 19 – 21 ‘Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.’ Amassing wealth or fame on earth cannot be taken with you to Heaven. In the gospel of Mark 8 :36, Jesus Christ asks the question, ‘For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?’ We lose our soul when we reject Christ. Heed his warning, set aside the world’s fleeting pleasures and trust Christ who will keep you for all eternity.

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